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Monday, 1 September 2008

My 4th week

On my fourth week of my TP, dated 1st September 2008, I was given another opportunity to practice teaching. It was Ckg Dalela’s period where I was being asked to read two ‘Big Books’ mentored by herself. Frankly, I was a little bit worried, not because of the fact that I need to interact with the pupils. But seriously I couldn’t remember how the stories go (hahaha!). The book called “The Kittens” and “Goldilocks & The 3 Bears”.

First of all, I gathered the pupils in front of the class by sitting on the floor. I showed them the first book, “The Kittens”, and asked them if they had already read the book. I inducted few minutes of brainstorming session where they could try to explain to me what they thought the story was before I read it to them.

"how many cats can you see in this picture?"

"What is the color this cat?"

"How do you spell green ribbon?"

"What does kitten mean in malay?"

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